
Based on the study of clinical and morphological criteria for estimation of the efficacy of distance gammatherapy under hyperbaric oxygenation in the combined treatment of patients with soft tissue sarcomas, it was concluded that hyperbaric oxygenation employed in radiotherapy contributed to the increased rate of neoplasms damage. The latter resulted in a decreased percentage of the recurrence. The attenuation of local radiation and less number of postoperative complications indicate that healthy tissues surrounding the tumor are preserved. No rise in the percentage of distant metastases was noted in irradiation under hyperbaric oxygenation.

Sergeev, Dar’ialova, Lavnikova, , , , , , (1977). [Hyperbaric oxygenation in the preoperative radiotherapy of soft tissue sarcomas]. Voprosy onkologii, 1977 ;23(8):17-27. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/333747