Abstract: Frostbite, once almost exclusively a military problem, is becoming more prevalent among the general population and should now be considered to be within the scope of the civilian physician's practice. Studies into the epidemiology of civilian frostbite have...
Abstract: SYSTEMIC AND LOCAL EFFECT: Smoke inhalation causes systemic and local, mainly respiratory, toxicity due to the asphyxiant and irritant properties of toxic gases. The syndrome of oxygen deprivation and intoxication by asphyxiant gases is caused by...
Abstract: To assess neurological sequelae in patients with all grades of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning after treatment with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) and normobaric oxygen (NBO). Randomised controlled double-blind trial, including an extended series of...
Abstract: Most previous animal studies reporting improved epithelialisation and healing of burn wounds under hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) did not include the conventional treatment with topical antibiotics as part of the protocol, and did not compare the effectiveness of...
Abstract: The effect of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment on regeneration of the rat sciatic nerve was studied. The sciatic nerve was crushed with a pair of pliers and the animals were either left untreated or subjected to a series of 45-min exposures to 100% O2 at...
Abstract: A previous nonblinded study has suggested beneficial effects from hyperbaric oxygen treatment of superficial partial-thickness radiation burns in human volunteers. This protocol was designed to either confirm or challenge these previous findings in a...
Abstract: Goals for managing an acute burn wound are similar to those of other wounds such that infection and scar formation are minimized, a moist wound environment is provided, and the surrounding tissue is protected from trauma. A variety of cleansing techniques...
Abstract: Various studies of the effect of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) in a wide variety of disease entities have been carried out. In the treatment of burns, animal and human studies have yielded somewhat contradictory results. Controlled studies in humans are limited. A...