
Cutaneous blisters and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Abstract: We present the cases of three patients with skin blisters following carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Their blisters appeared to be related to the severity of the poisoning (HbCO levels of more than 40%). Two of the three patients died despite aggressive...

Clostridial myonecrosis.

Abstract: Clostridial infections, particularly myonecrosis, can be fulminant and fatal; they often arise without an obvious history of trauma. The cardinal diagnostic clues (Figure 3) must be recognized so that specific therapy can be initiated promptly and mortality...

Treatment of smoke inhalation by hyperbaric oxygen.

Abstract: Five patients with smoke inhalation from house fires presented to the hospital in a comatose state. Carboxyhemoglobin levels were elevated in all five patients, mean=32% +/- 6. Arterial blood gases revealed the following means: pH 7.16 +/- 0.06; PCO2 35 mm...

[Current status of esophageal surgery].

Abstract: Petrovskiĭ, , , , , , , , (1985). [Current status of esophageal surgery]. Khirurgiia, 1985 ;38(2):1-10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3925214

Hyperbaric medicine: state of the art, 1979.

Abstract: An attempt has been made to determine the clinical usage of hyperbaric oxygen therapy at 83 North American hyperbaric treatment centers from 1971 to 1978. Questions were asked about the conditions or diseases treated, yearly case load for each condition,...

[Corneal vascularization].

Abstract: Chentsova, Boĭko, , , , , , , (). [Corneal vascularization]. Vestnik oftalmologii, ;(4):74-7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6182674

Hyperbaric oxygen in severe burns.

Abstract: When a preliminary analysis suggested that treatment with HBO might cause an increased mortality due to HBO, a paired control study of 36 patients treated with HBO and 36 matched controls was carried out. While mortality, mean day of death, and total...

Otologic aspects of ear burns.

Abstract: Otologic experiences in a large burn center are discussed and the following areas are emphasized. First, the otologic effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the prevention and treatment of barotrauma that is occasionally secondary to this therapy. Second,...

