Abstract: A 27-yr-old male scuba diving student suffered two episodes of pulmonary barotrauma 6 mo. apart after 12-ft training scuba dives. In the interval between these episodes, four uneventful hyperbaric chamber dives occurred. No definite cause or risk factors...
Abstract: This report illustrates the clinical and pathological findings of anaerobic streptococcal myonecrosis following extraperitoneal rectal injury in a 28-year-old patient with traumatic pelvic ring disruption. Four days following admission, the patient underwent...
Abstract: A 22-yr-old healthy male diver performed a dive using a closed circuit oxygen rebreathing apparatus according to normal procedure. After the dive he developed clinical symptoms of mediastinal emphysema. A chest X-ray taken 1 d after the dive showed a...
Abstract: Loss of consciousness, a generalized tonic-clonic seizure, rightside weakness, and pneumomediastinum developed suddenly in a 13-year-old boy who had inhaled helium directly from a pressurized helium tank. His condition improved dramatically with hyperbaric...
Abstract: We report an anesthetic management for Miles' operation in a 50-year-old female who had frequent severe bronchial asthmatic attacks prior to surgery. Because the surgical field was in the lower abdomen, we selected spinal anesthesia combined with epidural...
Abstract: Pulmonary barotrauma (PB) is caused by expansion of gases in the respiratory system. We describe 22 cases in divers that constituted 10.2% of the accidents treated at the Spanish navy's hyperbaric center (1969-1990). Hemoptysis (27.2%), subcutaneous...
Abstract: Non smoking, male professional firemen-divers (n = 20) underwent two pulmonary function tests (PFT) separated by 8-9 years. Measured data were compared to European Coal Steel Community recommended reference values to permit cross-sectional and then...
Abstract: Two cases of severe complications due to injection of hydrogen peroxide under pressure into areas of muscular attrition in war wounds are reported. In both cases the administration of hydrogen peroxide was associated with tachypnoea, with major arterial...
Abstract: After an emergency ascent from very shallow depth, a diver suffered a triad of symptoms after bilateral barotrauma of the lungs: air embolism with subsequent paraparesis, pneumomediastinum, and bilateral pneumothorax. This is the first case of its kind in 20...
Abstract: Pulmonary barotrauma during scuba diving is a life-threatening event. In a skin diver, who does not use compressed air, this complication is rare and its pathophysiology is not readily understood. We present a young, healthy skin diver who suffered...