Abstract: It has been demonstrated that hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) is useful as an adjunctive therapy for Crohn's disease. However, its effects on ulcerative colitis have not been investigated. In the present study, HBO was tested for acetic acid-induced colitis, and...
This study examines the effects of hyperoxia, increased atmospheric pressure, and hyperbaric oxygen on cytokine synthesis.
Five healthy volunteers were exposed to 90 min of room air, 100% oxygen, 10.5% oxygen at 2 atm abs, or 100% oxygen at 2 atm abs (HBO2). All subjects were blinded and randomly exposed to each of the 4 conditions.
Immediately before entering the chamber, immediately after exposure, and 3 and 24 h later, blood was drawn and stimulated ex vivo with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and phytohemagglutinin A (PHA).
Abstract: A 17-year-old boy presented with Fournier gangrene associated with previously undiagnosed Crohn ileocolitis. Fournier gangrene was managed by débridement, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and hyperbaric oxygen. A diverting ileostomy was performed before skin...
Abstract: Takeshima, Makiyama, Doi (1999). Hyperbaric oxygen as adjunct therapy for Crohn's intractable enteric ulcer. The American journal of gastroenterology, 1999 Nov;94(11):3374-5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10566754
Abstract: [No Authors Listed] (1999). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wound healing--part III. Tecnologica. MAP supplement. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Medical Advisory Panel, 1999 Oct;():11-4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10848084
Abstract: Perineal lesions are a frequent and troublesome complication of Crohn's disease. Although there are various surgical and medical therapeutic regimens available to treat these lesions, all have significant associated morbidity, mortality, and toxicity....
Abstract: Treatment of perianal inflammatory lesions in Crohn's disease (CD) is unsatisfactory and novel treatment modalities are pursued. We have recently reported a good clinical effect of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment in perianal CD. In the present study, seven...
Abstract: Sipahi, Damião, de Sousa, Barbutti, Trivellato, Esteves, D'Agostino, Laudanna (1996). Hyperbaric oxygen: a new alternative in the treatment of perianal Crohn's disease. Revista do Hospital das Clinicas,...
Abstract: A total of 114 of 195 patients with Crohn's disease had perianal involvement. The average age at the beginning of symptomatology was 30.3 years. The interval between symptoms and diagnosis was 3.1 years. PAC was associated with colonic disease and in these...
Abstract: Hyperbaric oxygen has been used in the management of perianal Crohn's disease on the assumption that tissue oxygenation is impaired. The Dead Sea region of Israel is the lowest point on earth (402 m below sea level), and therefore the oxygen pressure is...