Necrotizing Fasciitis

[Necroticing fasciitis in children].

Abstract: Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a serious condition with infection of the muscular fascia causing rapidly spreading necrosis. NF rarely affects children, and we here report two paediatric cases of NF. The first developed NF after a joint puncture, the other...

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the eye.

Abstract: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a primary or adjunctive therapy for a variety of medical disorders including some involving the eye. This paper is the first comprehensive review of HBOT for ocular indications. The authors recommend the following as...

Hyperoxia and infection.

Abstract: Surgical wound infection remains a common and serious complication of surgery. Patient factors are a major determinant of wound outcome following surgery. Co-morbidities clearly contribute, but environmental stressors as well the individual response to...

