Necrotizing Fasciitis

Necrotizing fasciitis.

Abstract: Necrotizing fasciitis was diagnosed in 16 patients during the years 1980 to 1984. All patients were managed by a uniform protocol consisting of radical excisional surgery, intravenous antibiotics, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. An overall mortality rate of...

Massive necrotizing infections of the neck.

Abstract: Necrotizing fascitis of the head and neck is a rare condition with only 7 cases recorded in the literature. Two cases are presented in which there was massive necrosis of the soft tissues of the neck with extension into the mediastinum. The offending...

Necrotizing fasciitis.

Abstract: The author's experience of fourteen patients with necrotizing fasciitis is reviewed. The pathognomonic feature of this condition is an extensive necrosis of subcutaneous tissue caused by a vicious cycle of infection, local ischaemia and reduced host defence...

