Abstract: Spinal anaesthesia using 1.2 ml of hyperbaric cinchocaine was found to abolish the autonomic hyper-reflexic cardiovascular responses to bladder distension and produced little alteration in cardiovascular measurements. Barker, Alderson, Lydon, Franks, , , , ,...
Abstract: Heimbach, , , , , , , , (1985). Hyperbaric medicine--demonstration cases. Transactions of the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America, 1985 ;67():126-34. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4071879
Abstract: Beginning 30 minutes after acute spinal cord injury, cats were treated by the administration of continuous spinal anesthesia for 8 hours. This was achieved by the intermittent injection of hyperbaric tetracaine into the subarachnoid space at the site of...
Abstract: Spinal Cord Injury patients are liable to develop osteomyelitis mostly by extension from pressure ulcers. In 2055 records reviewed in the Long Beach Spinal Cord Injury Service of the Veterans Administration Medical Center, the incidence was found to be 4.3...
Abstract: Studies on the experimental spinal contusion injury in animals confirm that posttraumatic ischemia contributes to central cystic necrosis or fibrosis occurring at the level of the spinal cord lesion. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) modifies the degree and extent of...
Abstract: Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) in a pressure chamber with an oxygen pressure of up to 2.8 absolute atmospheres administered to patients with various lesions of the spinal cord (trauma sequelae, discogenic ischemic myelopathy, states after tumor removal, etc.,)...
Abstract: The Girdlestone procedure which originally was developed for the treatment of tuberculosis of the hip has found a place in the management of septic hip arthritis and osteomyelitis secondary to pressure sores in spinal cord injury and other myelopathies....
Abstract: Gelderd, Fife, Bowers, Deschner, Welch, , , , (1983). Spinal cord transection in rats: the therapeutic effects of dimethyl sulfoxide and hyperbaric oxygen. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1983...
Abstract: 42 cases of spinal epidural abscesses were operated on in the years 1957-1980, among approximately 8,000 spinal operations. Staphylococcus aureus was the microorganism most commonly isolated from infected material and the primary source of infection was in...