
As a result of enhanced cure rate and survival time of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) treated by radiotherapy, sequelae of radiation injury to the optic nerve are becoming important, of which the authors report 5 cases (6 eyes) observed in the past 2 years. The diagnoses were based on rapid visual deterioration or blindness in one or both eyes, with visual field defects, signs of papillary ischemic optic atrophy under fluorescein angiography, normal ERG but reduced amplitude and prolonged latency or even extinction of VEP, onset of the malady within 7 years after the initial session of radiotherapy, and survival of the patient over 1 year with no signs of NPC recurrence or metastasis. Good vision was saved in 2 eyes treated with hyperbaric oxygen.

Liu, , , , , , , , (1992). [Clinical analysis of radiation optic neuropathy]. [Zhonghua yan ke za zhi] Chinese journal of ophthalmology, 1992 Mar;28(2):86-8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1425040