
Standardized burns without experimental infection and such with infection by a constant number of bacteria of a fixed Pseudomonas-aeruginosa-strain were treated differently. Silver sulfadiazine- and Cefsulodin-cream, Polyvidon-iodine-ointment (PVP-Jod), and hyperbaric oxygen (OHP) were used to them. The courses of healing were checked by determination of the wound area daily. The best results showed the experimental uninfected untreated wounds. Wounds infected by Pseudomonas were healing most quickly by immediate and continuous application of hyperbaric oxygen. By silver sulfadiazine- and Cefsulodin-cream treated burns showed statistical significant better results than the control group. The courses of healing were significantly poorer in delayed application of OHP (only from the 8th day after the burn) or in case of therapy with PVP-iodine alone.

Kaiser, , , , , , , , (1989). [Experimental animal studies of the healing of burn wounds with the use of local antimicrobials and hyperbaric O2 therapy]. Zeitschrift fur experimentelle Chirurgie, Transplantation, und kunstliche Organe : Organ der Sektion Experimentelle Chirurgie der Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie der DDR, 1989 ;22(1):27-37. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2711716