Tune in here on August 27th at 3:00PM EST to listen to World Renowned Hyperbaric Oxygen Expert Dr. Paul Harch during a LIVE Stream, which will include a Q&A portion with area residents.
The Oxygen Revolution, authored by Dr. Harch, explains the “how and why” HBOT is a breakthrough gene therapy for traumatic brain injury and many other disorders afflicting the general population. The Oxygen Revolution is an inspiring, informative, and comprehensive guide to the God given miracle of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. HBOT directly affects the body at the genetic level by regulating over 8,000 individual genes, including those responsible for healing, growth, and anti-inflammation.
Dr. Harch’s research and clinical practice has shown how the safe, noninvasive and painless use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help tens of millions of Americans suffering from a wide range of medical conditions and why HBOT is being embraced around the world more than ever these days.

Sponsored by Research Triangle Park’s Local Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Clinic:
Extivita – RTP is a health and wellness clinic conveniently located in central North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park. Its outpatient clinic houses two state-of-the-art multi-seat hyperbaric oxygen chambers, a nutritional IV clinic, an infrared sauna, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), and neurofeedback therapy.
Extivita - RTP
Durham, NC 27709
Phone: 919-354-3775
Contact Information:
2012-D TW Alexander Drive
Durham, NC 27709
Phone: 919-354-3775
Fax: 919-354-3776