
The outcomes of surgical reconstruction for patients who have undergone extensive tumor resection of the mandible and associated soft tissue have been less than desirable for many reasons: lack of cancer cure, radiation problems, as well as inadequate functional reconstructive results. These patients traditionally have undergone multiple surgical procedures for restoration of the surgical deformity. With the advent of new donor sites and successful transfer of microvascular hard and soft tissue, one can restore the largest defects created during cancer excision. Combining these techniques with biocompatible dental implants and reconstructive bone plates, technology has advanced to the point of predictable outcomes. The restoration of appearance, mandibular function, and mastication is mandated by patients. Dental implants are now placed in vascularized bone reconstruction of the mandible immediately at the time of ablative surgery. This obviates the need for additional surgical reconstructive procedures, adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and problems associated with the placement of dental implants in irradiated tissue.

Sclaroff, Haughey, Gay, Paniello, , , , , (1994). Immediate mandibular reconstruction and placement of dental implants. At the time of ablative surgery. Oral surgery, oral medicine, and oral pathology, 1994 Dec;78(6):711-7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7898907