
In 2002, an ice storm interrupted power to 1.3 million households in North Carolina, USA. Previous reports described storm injuries in regions with frequent winter weather. [Blindauer KM, Rubin C, Morse DL, McGeehin M. The 1996 New York blizzard: impact on noninjury visits. Am J Emerg Med 1999;17(1):23-7; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Community needs assessment and morbidity surveillance following an ice storm–Maine, January 1998. MMRW 1998;47(17):351-5; Daley WR, Smith A, Paz-Argandona E, Malilay J, McGeehin M. An outbreak of carbon monoxide poisoning after a major ice storm in Maine. J Emerg Med 2000;18(1):87-93; Hamilton J. Quebec’s ice storm’98: "all cards wild, all rules broken" in Quebec’s shell-shocked hospitals. Can Med Assoc J 1998;158(4):520-4; Hartling L, Brison RJ, Pickett W. Cluster of unintentional carbon monoxide poisonings presenting to the emergency departments in Kingston, Ontario during ‘Ice Storm 98’. Can J Public Health 1998;89(6):388-90; Hartling L, Pickett W, Brison RJ. The injury experience observed in two emergency departments in Kingston, Ontario during ‘ice storm 98’. Can J Public Health 1999;90(2):95-8; Houck, PM, Hampson NB. Epidemic carbon monoxide poisoning following a winter storm. J Emerg Med 1997;15(4):469-73; Lewis LM, Lasater LC. Frequency, distribution, and management of injuries due to an ice storm in a large metropolitan area. South Med J 1994;87(2):174-8; Smith RW, Nelson DR. Fractures and other injuries from falls after an ice storm. Am J Emerg Med 1998;16(1):52-5]. We postulated that injuries might differ in a region where ice storms are less common. Identify storm-related injuries. Emergency department (ED) charts from the storm period (defined as onset of precipitation until 99% power restoration) were retrospectively reviewed. Included injuries were: falls on ice; injuries due to darkness; cold exposure; injuries from storm-related damage; burns; or carbon monoxide/smoke exposure. Tertiary care ED, central North Carolina.

Broder, Mehrotra, Tintinalli, , , , , , (2005). Injuries from the 2002 North Carolina ice storm, and strategies for prevention. Injury, 2005 Jan;36(1):21-6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15589908