Diving Into The World Of HBOT
Get the latest news and research on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, also known as HBOT. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy involves breathing 100% oxygen under pressure while in a hyperbaric chamber, and is used to treat an extensive list of conditions involving tissue damage and inflammation.
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Special Report – A Medical Revolution
Explore the profound benefits of HBOT in treating various health conditions, focusing on its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
Recent News & Research
Clark Memorial, Purdue to study hyperbaric oxygen therapy for PTSD, traumatic brain injury
Purdue Neurotrauma Group, a Purdue University Research team, has selected Clark Memorial Health in Jeffersonville, IN to participate in a statewide pilot study to research HBOT treatment for veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder...
Oxygen Therapy working for coronavirus (COVID-19)
South Korea states that oxygen therapy has been assisting with the recovery of a critically ill COVID-19 patient - COVID-19 is the new strain of the coronavirus, which has caused the 2020 worldwide pandemic. Jeong Eun-kyeong, director of Korea...
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy the latest in Lee Anlezark’s Parkinson’s fight
After receiving a Parkinson's Disease diagnosis in 2005, at the age of 49, Lee Anlezark is using hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) as a means to slow down the progression of the disease. Mr. Anlezark was so passionate in his beliefs that HBOT could...
Casey Diskin Encourages Novel Therapies for Children with Disabilities
Casey Diskin serves as a director at a Michigan-based recovery center where big things are happening to improve the lives of children with disabilities. Diskin has developed a unique approach to care that is gaining increased attention in...
A breakthrough that may reverse concussion damage – Retired NFL Players Association
CINCINNATI (WKRC) - As the NFL gets ready to crown a new champion, concussions remain a focus of football. While the league has done much to protect today’s players, some of the greatest players to ever take the field say they struggle with damage...
Patient’s hearing improves thanks to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at RMH
When months of medication failed after George Cooley was diagnosed with idopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), also known as sudden deafness, his ENT recommended hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). George faithfully arrived for treatment...
Justin Bieber sleeps in a hyperbaric chamber
Justin Beiber has a hyperbaric oxygen chamber in his home and one in his studio. He uses these chambers to help manage his stress and anxiety. There are many different types of HBOT chambers; but for Beiber, his chambers are pod-like, resembling...
Asymptomatic Patients Received Repetitive HBOT Protocols to Evaluate Sustained Cardiac Effect
One of the largest hyperbaric treatment centers in the world, The Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research at Shamir Medical Center, announced exciting results from a recent study; leading the medical industry to believe that a HBOT...
Senate VA Committee Passes Legislation on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Back in October 2019, at Senator Cramer’s invitation, VA Secretary Robert Wilkie and the Senator toured Healing with Hyperbarics of North Dakota, a Fargo-based HBOT clinic. Cramer states, “The primary point of the federal government is the defense...