by HBOT News | May 10, 2006 | Cancer
Abstract: Delayed radiation-induced injuries are difficult to treat. The treatment of delayed radiation injuries with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is reported in small case series and case reports. This study reports the experience of a single institution with...
by HBOT News | Apr 11, 2006 | Carcinoma
Abstract: Work in an animal cancer model suggests that pretreatment with hyperbaric oxygen can improve tumor vascularity rendering chemotherapy more effective. Accordingly 32 subjects with locally advanced breast carcinoma (>5cm diameter) entered into a randomized...
by HBOT News | Mar 16, 2006 | Cancer
Abstract: Surgical treatment of malignancies in the oral cavity and subsequent radiotherapy often result in an anatomic and physiological oral condition unfavorable for prosthodontic rehabilitation. The objective of this prospective study was to assess the effect of...
by HBOT News | Nov 9, 2005 | Cancer
Abstract: This study aimed to estimate the cumulative survival rates (CSRs) of implants placed in reconstructed mandibles and to identify prognostic factors that may influence implant survival. The charts of 24 patients (10 male, 14 female) who had undergone...
by HBOT News | Sep 6, 2005 | Carcinoma
Abstract: Late radiation proctopathy is a painful and vexing complication of prostate radiation. We report a case of a 55-year-old man with prostate cancer, and complaints of tenesmus and severe rectal pain after radiation therapy. The patient was diagnosed with a...