by HBOT News | Sep 6, 2005 | Anaerobic Bacterial Infection
Abstract: Late radiation proctopathy is a painful and vexing complication of prostate radiation. We report a case of a 55-year-old man with prostate cancer, and complaints of tenesmus and severe rectal pain after radiation therapy. The patient was diagnosed with a...
by HBOT News | Sep 6, 2005 | Chronic Wounds
Abstract: Late radiation proctopathy is a painful and vexing complication of prostate radiation. We report a case of a 55-year-old man with prostate cancer, and complaints of tenesmus and severe rectal pain after radiation therapy. The patient was diagnosed with a...
by HBOT News | Jul 1, 2005 | Cancer
Abstract: Kohshi, , , , , , , , (2005). [A report from the European Clinical Trials Group–new cancer treatment: hyperbaric oxygen may be approved for insurance adaptation]. Journal of UOEH, 2005...
by HBOT News | Jun 9, 2005 | Carcinoma
Abstract: To describe 6 cases of rectourethral fistula in patients treated with brachytherapy plus external beam radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer and subsequent rectal biopsies or rectal surgery. A retrospective chart review was undertaken of patients with...
by HBOT News | Jun 2, 2005 | Myeloma
Abstract: The current report presented 17 patients with cancer with bone metastases and 1 patient with osteopenia who received treatment with bisphosphonates and who subsequently developed osteonecrosis of the mandible and/or maxilla. The authors reviewed information...