by HBOT News | Feb 27, 2003 | Multiple Sclerosis
Abstract: A case of clinically definite multiple sclerosis presenting as neurological decompression sickness is presented. A 23-yr-old U.S. Navy diver experienced onset of hypesthesia of the left upper trunk approximately 19 h after making two SCUBA dives. She did not...
by HBOT News | Jun 18, 2002 | Multiple Sclerosis
Abstract: Jacoby, , , , , , , , (2001). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, multiple sclerosis, and unapproved indications: taking a stand. Undersea & hyperbaric medicine : journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc, 2001...
by HBOT News | Jun 18, 2002 | Multiple Sclerosis
Abstract: Despite considerable research effort there is little controlled evidence that a course of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO2T) results in any benefit for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The great majority of randomized trials involved investigating a...
by HBOT News | Jan 24, 2002 | Multiple Sclerosis
Abstract: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is aptly named for the many scars it produces in the brain and spinal cord. A sometimes fatal, often debilitating disease, MS features autoimmune inflammatory attack against the myelin insulation of neurons. Thymus derived (T) cells...
by HBOT News | Mar 2, 1999 | Multiple Sclerosis
Abstract: Our objective in this study was to determine phase transitions of bodily vegetative reactivity in different baseline functional states in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) during the stages of the hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) procedures. The developed...