Elena Schertz & Tom Fox (Part 2)

HBOT Conversations:Elena Schertz & Tom Fox (Part 2) – Concussion   Elena Schertz, NP and Tom Fox of Extivita-RTP in Raleigh, NC join us in a 5-part series to discuss the extraordinary healing they’ve witnessed through the God-given natural therapy of...

Elena Schertz & Tom Fox (Part 1)

HBOT Conversations:Elena Schertz & Tom Fox (Part 1) – PTSD   Elena Schertz, NP and Tom Fox of Extivita-RTP in Raleigh, NC join us in a 5-part series to discuss the extraordinary healing they’ve witnessed through the God-given natural therapy of HBOT....

Evan Fernandez – Warriors on the Water

HBOT Conversations:Evan Fernandez Warriors on the Water Evan served in the US Marine Corp, and is currently the President and Founder of Warriors on the Water, USA.  Warriors on the Water is a non-profit chartered fishing company that seeks to change a veteran’s...

Dr. Jay Stevens – Head Injuries

HBOT Conversations:Dr. Jay Stevens Head Injuries : TBI, mTBI, Concussions, & Post-Concussion Syndrome Dr. James “Jay” Stevens is the Medical Director of Extivita-RTP.  He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Zoology from UNC-Chapel Hill and a Doctor of...