Image Credits: Extivita-RTP
Article cited by: PRN NEWS
BOCA RATON, Fla., Sept. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — From breakthroughs in the prevention of post-concussion syndrome to unprecedented advances in post-stroke, traumatic brain injury and spinal cell regeneration, TransMedia Group will bring major media attention to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and one of the fields’ greatest pioneers, Veteran Hall of Famer Raymond Cralle.
“With HBOT, patients breathe pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber, helping injured or damaged cells begin to replicate, ultimately creating new, non-injured cells,” said TransMedia Group President, Adrienne Mazzone. “Our PR campaign will highlight the outcomes from Cralle’s groundbreaking studies of brain and spine injured veterans, and the staggering outcomes. We will educate the media on HBOT’s powerful anti-inflammatory effects, including Cralle’s protocols which have broken science barriers and are proven to grow new healthy stem cells.”
To further build credibility and awareness, TransMedia Group will highlight many of the prestigious recognitions Cralle has received from top neurologists around the world, including the Hyperbaric Medicine Symposium, support from Florida Senator Tom Wright resulting in a Bill through the Florida Legislature and pro-bono care for countless veterans garnering his induction into the Florida Veterans Hall of Fame.
“We believe that HBOT will be more widely practiced as the public learns of its effectiveness,” says Raymond Cralle, Founder of Oxygen Rescue Care Centers of America (ORCCA). “That’s why TransMedia Group will help simplify the science while also giving reporters and editors our clients’ incredible testimonials and home footage- bringing concrete success stories out of the medical journals and into life.”
Mazzone says, “‘Before’ and ‘After’ Brain Scans are some of the most compelling pitch materials, along with the research that clearly shows how HBOT can sharply decrease veteran suicide rates, diminish the effects of PTSD, including less anger, sleep deprivation and mental anguish.”
“We are excited to offer in-depth interviews spotlighting veterans, elite athletes, stroke patients, anti-aging enthusiasts and families who have had their lives changed at Cralle’s outpatient neuropathic hyperbaric center in Delray Beach, Florida,” said Mazzone. Cralle and his 501 C.3. Hope Springs are at the start of new horizons for HBOT.
TransMedia Group is an international public relations firm serving clients worldwide since 1981. One of its core niches is healthcare and wellness.
Media Contact: Adrienne Mazzone amazzone@transmediagroup.com 561-908-1683
SOURCE TransMedia Group