Diving Into The World Of HBOT
Get the latest news and research on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, also known as HBOT. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy involves breathing 100% oxygen under pressure while in a hyperbaric chamber, and is used to treat an extensive list of conditions involving tissue damage and inflammation.
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Special Report – A Medical Revolution
Explore the profound benefits of HBOT in treating various health conditions, focusing on its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
Recent News & Research
HBOT in a Tyson COVID-19 Outbreak, Part 3
4th in a series of emails from a physician treating COVID-19 patients near the Tyson processing plant. N = 7 on Day 4Day 4 and we have started treatments on 7 patients.The day started poorly. At 8am I walked into the ICU, where 8...
HBOT in a Tyson COVID-19 Outbreak, Part 2: “It’s Incredible”
Second email from a physician treating COVID-19 patients near the Tyson processing plant.Day 2: We Haven’t Seen Anything Like This IllnessI would love to give details about how absolutely incredible my experience is in this city, but...
Bigger and better hyperbaric chamber opens to treat COVID-10 in Tasmania
From Sarah Courtney, Minister for Health for Tasmania The health, safety and wellbeing of Tasmanians is our highest priority as we continue to deal with COVID-19. From tomorrow, the new Department of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, with...
HBOT in a Tyson COVID-19 Outbreak, Part 1: Keeping it Real
An email from a physician treating COVID-19 patients near the Tyson processing plant. It is RealWe treated our first patient last night.Patient #1 is a middle-aged Hispanic male from the Tyson packing plant. He has no co-morbidities....
Dr. Ted Fogarty makes his case to Trump for his COVID-19 solution!
Listen to Dr. Ted Fogarty make his case to Trump for his COVID-19 solution to utlize cargo jets as mild hyperbaric chambers to treat COVID-19 on a mass scale....
The Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen in the Treatment of COVID-19
Listen to Dr. Thomas Serena MD, Dr. Kerry Thibodeaus MD, and Marcus Speyrer RN share their experience treating COVID-19 patients with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at Opelousas General Hospital in Louisiana with the Association for the...
HBOT vs COVID-19 Explained
Listen to the International Board of Undersea Medicine describe how hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT can help peoples bodies and immune systems help themselves when recovering from or actively fighting the COVID-19 threat which should...
Resistance to Oxygen Treatment
These are the thoughts from Dr Philip B James, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK on the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.Mention giving more oxygen as a treatment, rather than a supplement, to doctors...
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Effect in COVID-19 RCT
Amir Hadanny, MD and Shai Efrati, MD of The Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research at Shamir Medical Center (the largest hyperbaric treatment center worldwide) in Be'er Ya'akov, Israel has begun a new clinical trial to study...