Diving Into The World Of HBOT
Get the latest news and research on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, also known as HBOT. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy involves breathing 100% oxygen under pressure while in a hyperbaric chamber, and is used to treat an extensive list of conditions involving tissue damage and inflammation.
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Special Report – A Medical Revolution
Explore the profound benefits of HBOT in treating various health conditions, focusing on its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
Recent News & Research
Opelousas General Hospital Using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with Success on COVID-19 Patients
Opelousas General has been using hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat patients with COVID-19 with some success.Last week, Dr. Kerry Thibodeaux, Board Certified in General Surgery and Wound Care and Dr. Amer Raza, Board Certified in...
Airliners could have role as Covid-19 hyperbaric oxygen chambers
Thousands of grounded aircraft could be transformed into potentially life-saving hyperbaric oxygen chambers to treat COVID-19 patients with airport departure lounges used as wards. This is the vision of Cambridge life-support system specialist...
New Orleans doctors hope hyperbaric chambers could save COVID-19 patients
NEW ORLEANS — A new and different way of treating patients with COVID-19 may soon be studied in New Orleans. Monday, a panel of doctors met to decide if the study, treating patients in oxygen chambers, can move forward. The idea dates back more...
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Vs. Ventilators for Respiratory Virus -Response to Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell
Dr. Jason Sonners of HBOT USA discusses Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Vs. Ventilators for Respiratory Virus as a response to Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell YouTube video comparing COVID-19 symptoms to high altitude sickness. .
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia?
I am a Critical Care physician trained in Hyperbaric Medicine. Sadly, my ICU is currently full of critically ill patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, most of them intubated. My colleagues and I have been caring for them for several days, so I have...
Safety and Efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen for ARDS in Patients With COVID-19 (COVID-19-HBO)
March 31 2020, Dr. Anders Kjellberg posted a new clinical trial on the NIH Clinical Trials website to study the Safety and Efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen for ARDS in Patients With COVID-19 (COVID-19-HBO). The study is listed as “Not Recruiting...
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Covid-19
Dr. Jason Sonners of HBOT USA addresses Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy directly related to Covid-19.
Extivita Proposes Minimize Loss of Life From COVID-19 with HBOT
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can destroy harmful bacteria and viruses, while enhancing the body’s natural defenses. We propose HBOT for high risk, early stage COVID-19 patients, recommending this novel use of pressure and oxygen based on its...
Emergency Hyperbaric Oxygen for Respiratory Distress or Failure for COVID-19 Patients
April 2, 2020, Dr. David Lee posted a new clinical trial on the NIH Clinical Trials website to study the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) to treat COVID-10. The study is listed as "Not Recruiting Yet," but has an estimated completion date...