As Tom Fox continues his discussion outlining the research on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for brain trauma, he dives into these 5 Department of Defense (DoD) studies. All of these studies were positive studies that were spotlighted in a non-beneficial way, despite the overwhelming evidence that people improved.
- Research Rundown for Study #1: The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Symptoms after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
- Research Rundown for Study #2: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Improve Post Concussion Syndrome Years after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury – Randomized Prospective Trial

In this Research Rundown he discusses the third study, The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms.
- The third study appeared in the Journal of Head Trauma and Rehab in 2014; authored by Dr. Cifu.
- It’s important to know that Dr. Cifu never saw any of these patients
- The study write up states that significant improvement was seen in the treated group, but they are not sure if they can explain why.
- Tom Fox asks, “Why the two narratives?” – people did get better in this study, and that can simply not be ignored. Our veteran population needs to know that there is hope and there is help for head injuries.
Read: The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms