As Tom Fox continues his discussion outlining the research on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for brain trauma, he dives into these 5 Department of Defense (DoD) studies. All of these studies were positive studies that were spotlighted in a non-beneficial way, despite the overwhelming evidence that people improved.
- Research Rundown for Study #1: The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Symptoms after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
- Research Rundown for Study #2: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Improve Post Concussion Syndrome Years after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury – Randomized Prospective Trial
- Research Rundown for Study #3: The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms

In this Research Rundown he discusses how the fourth and fifth sections go hand-in-hand. Let’s dive in to the Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Postconcussion Symptoms in Military Members and the invited commentary that followed —
- This study was conducted by Dr. Miller on the effects of hyperbaric oxygen on post-concussion symptoms in the military. It was published
in the Journal of Internal Medicine, November 2014. - The study write up says that both groups treated in chambers with elevation in atmospheric pressure improved, and there was no difference
between the two groups, both were effective treatments. - However, accompanying this article was an invited commentary. In the invited commentary they said, “What is clear from this study is hyperbaric oxygen does not work, but the ritual intervention does.
- ”These commentary authors cite and seek to explain the results with the following: daily ritual visitations fostered a narrative process consistent with effective PTSD and depression psychotherapy.
- Tom quotes what’s on the VA website by Colonel Miller, “People did get better, and we can’t ignore those results.” Regardless of the anecdotal studies of hyperbarics it can be used to and it has been shown to be effective.
- Tom urges everyone to call on those in government, who are responsible for funding, to approve hyperbaric oxygen for the treatment of combat injuries.
Read: Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on postconcussion symptoms in military members
Read the Invited Commentary: The Ritual of Hyperbaric Oxygen and Lessons for the Treatment of Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms in Military Personnel