2018 – A Year’s Worth of HBOT Progress
The last year has seen unprecedented progress with respect to getting the DOD/VA/Army and general medicine moving forward in recognizing that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is safe, dramatically more effective, and much less expensive than all other interventions...Arizona Legislature Approves Hyperbaric Oxygenation Treatment for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury
TUCSON, Ariz., April 02, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Veterans with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and selected post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) conditions would be eligible to participate in hyperbaric oxygenation therapy (HBOT) under a bill approved...Clinical Trial – Markers of Central Nervous System Injury in Decompression Sickness
Research hypothesis
– There is a correlation between the quantity of fluid markers of CNS injury in blood and
– There is a correlation between quantity and kind of fluid markers of CNS injury in blood
and both diving profile and severity of DCS.
– There is a correlation between the quantity of inflammatory markers in blood an DCS.
– Assess whether individuals suffering decompression sickness exhibit fluid markers of
central nervous system injury.
– Evaluate the correlation between quantity and kind of fluid marker of CNS injury and
clinical signs of neurological impairment.
– Evaluate the correlation between quantity and kind of fluid marker of CNS injury and
clinical outcome after 3-6 months.
– Assess whether individuals suffering decompression sickness exhibit inflammatory markers
in blood.
Neuroprotective effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a juvenile rat model of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury.
Repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (rmTBI) is an important medical concern for adolescent athletes that can lead to long-term disabilities. Multiple mild injuries may exacerbate tissue damage resulting in cumulative brain injury and poor functional recovery. In the present study, we investigated the increased brain vulnerability to rmTBI and the effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment using a juvenile rat model of rmTBI. Two episodes of mild cortical controlled impact (3 days apart) were induced in juvenile rats. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) was applied 1 hour/day × 3 days at 2 atmosphere absolute consecutively, starting at 1 day after initial mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Neuropathology was assessed by multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and tissue immunohistochemistry. After repetitive mTBI, there were increases in T2-weighted imaging-defined cortical lesions and susceptibility weighted imaging-defined cortical microhemorrhages, correlated with brain tissue gliosis at the site of impact. HBO treatment significantly decreased the MRI-identified abnormalities and tissue histopathology. Our findings suggest that HBO treatment improves the cumulative tissue damage in juvenile brain following rmTBI. Such therapy regimens could be considered in adolescent athletes at the risk of repeated concussions exposures.