“We hypothesized that exposure to hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) would mobilize stem/progenitor cells from the bone marrow by a nitric oxide (NO) -dependent mechanism”

The goal of this investigation was to determine whether exposure to hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) would mobilize bone marrow-derived stem/progenitor cells (SPCs) in humans and animals.

Stem cell release in humans exposed to HBO2. This protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board and by the Clinical Trials Scientific Monitoring Committee of the Abramson Cancer Center. Patients are referred to the University of Pennsylvania Institute for Environmental Medicine for prophylactic HBO2 treatment because of a risk for ORN. A group of these patients was approached, and after informed consent, blood was obtained before and after their first, 10th, and 20th HBO2 treatment.

SPCs mobilization in humans. Blood leukocytes were harvested and analyzed for the presence of SPCs on the basis of flow cytometry and CFCs. Results from flow cytometry indicated that there was a range of responses to HBO2.

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