Quadratus Lumborum Block Versus Fascia Iliaca Block for Hip Arthroplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial


A randomized, controlled, double blinded, trial will be conducted in Cairo university
hospital. Written informed consent will be obtained from all participants. Randomization will
be achieved using a computer-generated sequence. Concealment will be achieved using opaque
envelopes. Patients scheduled for hip replacement surgeries under subarachnoid block (SAB).
e.g. hip hemiarthroplasty, total hip arthroplasty.

On arrival of the patients to regional anesthesia room, patients will be secured with
18-gauge intravenous cannula, and will receive ondansetron (4 mg), and dexamethasone (8 mg
IV). Monitoring will include Electrocardiography, non-invasive arterial blood pressure, and
pulse oximetry.

Before receiving subarachinoid block, patients will be randomly assigned into one of the two
study groups:

QLB Group (n=17): this group will receive ultrasound-guided transmuscular quadratus lumborum
block; (Anterior QLB or QLB III) FIB Group (n=17): this group will receive suprainguinal
fascia iliaca block To achieve double blinding, patients will receive the block with 30 mL
bupivacaine (0.25%) by the anesthetist. Another doctor not involved in the block procedure
will evaluate the patients postoperative.

After finishing the block & assessment of motor power of quadriceps femoris muscle , patient
will receive midazolam (2mg intravenous), and then transferred to operation room.

Postoperatively, all patients will receive 1 g paracetamol every 6 hours and 30 mg ketorolac
every 12 hours.

If the visual analogue scale (VAS) is 4 or more, a 2 mg morphine increment will be added per
time to maintain a resting VAS at <3 with maximum total 24-hours morphine 10 mg.


Post Operative Pain


quadratus lumborum block; (Anterior QLB or QLB III)

Start Date:

July 5, 2019


Bassant M. Abdelhamid

For More Information:
